Ujima Radio CIC – the winner of the National Diversity Award for the category of “Community Organisation for Race, Faith & Religion” is hosting a cabaret information event at the Plantation restaurant, 221 – 223 Cheltenham Road, Bristol, BS6 5QP from 7pm to 11pm on Thursday 12th November 2015 called “Keep the Beat” to raise the awareness of Blood and Organ Donation within all communities especially the BAME communities.

Members of the 100+ strong volunteers at Ujima will be out in force to support Ade O who has four kidneys, because of two failed transplants!!!

Ujima Radio has been supporting the ongoing NHS campaign to encourage organ donor registration within Bristol particularly from local residents from Black & Asian Minority Ethnicity (BAME) backgrounds. We have been successful in signing up many from our community including George Ferguson (Mayor of Bristol)

Ade’s story“I began dialysis at the age of nine years old having been rushed to Middlesex hospital after vomiting continuously.  All I remember is having a neck line inserted for immediate dialysis – a very daunting experience.

After my first dialysis in July 1984, I went on to have my first kidney transplant in September 1984 which lasted two years.  In May 1987 I had my second transplant, donated by a 32 year old cadaver donor who had suffered a seizure. This time the kidney managed to survive almost 20 years. From October 2004 onwards I have being doing dialysis whilst I wait for a suitable kidney donor”.  

The more people who register the more chance for Ade and others like her to receive the valuable organ transplant that they need to survive!

Miss Divine and Mistri are your hostess and host! Makala Cheung – DJ Style – Julius Abraham – Miles Chambers – Dymphna Skehill – Graham Dalby (Music Director of London Swing Orchestra), Dawn Parry + more are the performers!

The cost will be £10 + buffet available at £8.95 per person. If you do a group booking of 10 – there will be the opportunity to do a minute plug to the audience!  To buy your tickets, please email or text 07967 353716


